• brand identity
  • social media
  • promote
  • brand

In 2022 opening your own brand is easier than ever, our creativity and ambition are the cornerstones of a successful business.

However, it is necessary to know how to promote oneself, indeed, is essential to build a strong Brand Identity and a successful marketing strategy, especially in platforms where sharing is the key concept: social media.

Here are some practical tips on how to build your image on social networks:

Identify the most appropriate tools and social media for your target audience. Choosing the most suitable communication channel is crucial to engage and intrigue users who might be interested in our proposals. From TikTok to instagram, the offer is so wide that it is easy to and index our content in the best way possible.

A well-groomed profile is our business card: especially on Instagram, it is essential to have a neat and clean feed, and some content in line with the brand’s aesthetic. This is the first impact that users will see, and that will allow us to clearly express the identity and personality of the brand.

Pay attention to the engagement rate of your profiles. It’s essential to involve your followers and make them feel part of our community, inviting them to interact through ad hoc content, responding to their comments and messages, having a well-structured time posting and involving external influencers.

Last but not least: a web page is still an essential tool to give credibility to your brand. In fact, despite social media are the most immediate platforms to promote oubusiness, followers need a stable point of reference in which to find our products and content at any time. 


A custom website is important

Users perceive the professionalism of a successful brand also by the way it is presented to the world. This is where the features created by AliveShoes come in handy: you can create your own custom website, where you can fully showcase your brand in a beautiful custom page with your content and shoes, all in one place. In addition to the numerous features to customize your shoes with endless combinations, new materials, design and exclusive capsule collections and much more.

The support of AliveShoes

AliveShoes supports you in promoting your brand in many ways.  Such as publishing brand enhancement and PR services, created specifically for you to show the success of your projects, offering a digital presence and amazing customer service. PR boost services especially are an amazing way promote your product in important fashion magazines or influencers that will make the product even more interesting: